Are you wondering whether you should install outdoor lighting? Many benefits come with installing outdoor lighting in your domestic property, and we will share four of those reasons in this blog post today.

  • 1. Security

When you are on your property, you want to feel protected and secure, which is what outdoor lighting can provide. Security lighting allows you to feel at ease, as this type of lighting can be set on a timer.

You can also see if anyone is outside, who shouldn’t be, which will allow you to relax at home without feeling threatened. Security lighting will ultimately help protect your home against intruders, which is a must for any home.

  • 2. Welcoming

While outdoor lighting can provide a sense of security, it can also enhance your garden and property’s natural charm. Warm lighting will illuminate the pathway for guests and yourself, and they will make your home feel more welcoming to those that visit.

  • 3. Locating

Another reason why your domestic property needs outdoor lighting is that it allows you to safely manoeuvre around your outdoor space at night. Regardless of the time of day, you can move around safely, locate outdoor objects and see what is occurring outside.

The right outdoor lighting will also highlight detailed architecture design, or your pathway so that your guests can see them clearly, no matter the time of day they visit.

  • 4. Comfort

You should be able to appreciate your outdoor space, no matter the time of day. Outdoor lighting allows you to rest and unwind in your garden, or your patio, while the lights illuminate your surroundings. You can enjoy a late-night BBQ with friends, midnight picnic or evening chats with friends outside.

With outdoor lighting, you can entertain and relax beneath the stars, or have a bonfire without tripping over yourself in the dark.


As an established NIC EIC approved contractor, we can offer an array of services, including outdoor lighting installation, including security lighting. Our experienced domestic electricians can help you improve your home, and benefit from every that outdoor lighting can provide.

We can complete any type of electrical work, including installation, which is why our team at Somerset Electrical Company are always happy to help. You can contact us today for advice and information.