When the mains power fails, you need to make sure that emergency lighting is in place to keep your customers and employees safe. Emergency lighting is a legal requirement and will come on when your power fails. In our opinion, emergency lighting is a crucial business asset.

Not only will emergency lighting guide the way during a power outage, but it will also save your business money and will provide your employees and customers with a degree of security.

Are you still unsure about emergency lighting? Well, this blog post will explain why your business needs this asset.

Guide the way

Imagine you are in an office and the lights go out, you can’t see what’s in front of you, which means you can’t make your way to the exit. If you have emergency lighting installed, it will come on automatically if your power fails, which will allow employees to make their way out of the building safely.

Thanks to the sub-divisions of emergency lighting, the emergency exits can be easily seen, which means every employee can locate the exits with ease, escaping the building during emergencies.

This added level of safety will provide your employees with peace of mind as they will know that if anything happens, they can make their way out safely and quickly.

Save money

When you have emergency lighting installed, you can continue working if it is safe, which means you will be saving your business money. If you did not have emergency lighting installed, you would lose potential income from employees not being able to work in the dark. You can also use this time to assess the situation and establish the cause while keeping your employees safe.

Safety guidelines

Along with the numerous benefits, emergency lighting is required by the British Standard of health and safety guidelines. There are also different forms of emergency lighting, as it can be divided into sub-sections. Some forms of emergency lighting include emergency escape lighting, escape route lighting and open area lighting.

Emergency lighting installation

Our Emergency lighting installation service is carried out by qualified electricians who offer advice and guidance when needed. If you require more information about our commercial electrical services, you can contact a member of the Somerset Electrical Company team.